I recently heard Dr. Martin Shaw share this phrase on a podcast interview, and it was like breath flowing through me. In that moment it's what I needed to hear, so I wanted to share it with you in case it's what you need to hear today.
We live in a society which seems to demand perfection. On a daily basis we are asked to perform to a standard which stretches and bends us to reach beyond our true selves. Although many of us live searching for what our true selves might be I would suggest that it probably isn't found in the pursuit of perfection.
In a similar vein, it is so easy to fall into the trap of aspiration, to make huge relational sacrifices that affect those we share our lives with in order to achieve something, perhaps a creative or work goal, perhaps something more materialistic. How often do we get to the end of those journeys only to find that having achieved what we set out to achieve that life doesn't feel tangibly different at all.
I'm not suggesting that we all stop trying to achieve anything in life, but it's important to carry those pursuits in context of our wider selves and those around us, the people who see our incompleteness, who know what our authentic selves look like and love us for it without question.
For me, it's a question of accepting my flaws whilst holding onto my values, which I hope will encourage me to be the most authentic version of myself that I can be.
Martin is a wonderful writer and storyteller, director of the Westcountry School of Myth and carries a faith filled wisdom which always seems to resonate and ignite something within me. Listen to the interview with Martin Shaw & Felix Marquad on The Sacred Podcast here. I believe the quote comes from his book 'Courting the Wild Twin', which you can find here.
This article is taken from my November Mailout which also features some of my latest news and cultural highlights.
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